“Zeitenwende in der nationalen Sicherheit”

For the first time, KEEQuant took part in the AFCEA symposium as an exhibitor, organised by AFCEA Bonn e.V. – the leading user forum for telecommunications technology, computers, electronics and automation.

Under the annual motto “Turning point in national security – resilience through disruptive solutions”, an intensive discussion took place on innovative technologies in the field of national security.

As the only exhibitor in the field of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), KEEQuant illustrated the importance of secure QKD technology in the defence sector. At a time when secure communication is becoming increasingly important, it is crucial for defence against future threats.

The event took place in the historic location of the old Bundestag – an inspiring venue that emphasised the importance of the technical presentations.

We would like to thank AFCEA Bonn e.V. for this unique opportunity and look forward to the next steps towards a more secure future.